Legacy Circle

LegacyWhere will you be in 50 years?

With a gift to Camp Interlaken built into your estate plan, you could be helping Camp stay strong and vital for future generations.

THE FUTURE OF CAMP depends on our planning today to transform and preserve our programs and facilities to meet the needs of new generations of campers and parents.

Remember the Steve and Shari Sadek Family Camp Interlaken JCC in your estate plan to ensure that our future generations can reap the benefits of the seeds we are planting now.

Together we can continue to build and strengthen Jewish identity into the next millenium.

To learn more about the Legacy Circle, please click here.

We gratefully acknowledge our visionary and generous donors who have promised to fulfill the commitment of leaving a Legacy to the Steve and Shari Sadek Family Camp Interlaken JCC. Please click here to see the full list or click here to add your name.