Counting Down…

It’s October 28th, and that means that it’s a) almost Halloween, b) Thanksgiving is just a month away, and c) there are only 3 more days left of Camp Interlaken’s Early Registration campaign.

I admit that while the JCC doesn’t recognize Halloween as a “holiday,” I cannot stop my family from screaming Halloween from rooftops!  I am anxiously awaiting the undoubtedly precious photos of my nieces and nephews dressed up in adorable costumes, and I am already drooling in anticipation with the thought of Thanksgiving dinner.   I cannot, however, believe that we are already at this point in our upcoming camp season.  Where did the time go?!?  It feels like yesterday that we were AT camp, and now here we are already months into our 2016 off-season prep with only 3Excited! more days left of Early Registration.  It is strange, but it is also VERY exciting!

We have almost 300 campers already signed up for Camp!  We already have more than 35 NEW friends joining us for an unforgettable summer, and have a busy and exciting season of traveling ahead of us.  I am really looking forward to visiting with some of our current families and meet/get to know potential new families.  As I’ve said before, one of the biggest perks of my job is having the opportunity to build relationships with campers and parents and be a part of (even if it’s small) their camp experience.

In my last blog, I shared words from some of our camp parents about why they have chosen Camp Interlaken for their children.  I know that many of you enjoyed reading these testimonials, and many of you identify with these parents and share these feelings.  As promised, I also have some words from our campers themselves about how they describe Camp and why they’re excited for Summer 2016.

Talia is coming to Camp from Dallas, and 2016 will be her first summer!  She is going to be in Sha’ar, and she shared: “I am most excited to meet new people and for a new experience.  I chose this camp because it has really nice weather (compared to Texas summers), a great theater program, and many water activities.”

Scarlett is returning to Camp for her 3rd summer and her first in Tzomayach!  Her brother, Malcolm, has been to Family Camp for three years, and is spending his first full session at camp in 2016.   According to the Londons, who are from Ann Arbor, “Maccabiah is the absolute best time at camp.  The three words we would use to describe Camp Interlaken are:  Wild, Zany, and Fun.”

The Garrett girls live in the Minneapolis area, and have their individual (but good!) opinions on camp and why they’re excited.  Abby spent her first two weeks at Camp last summer and shared that she was “looking forward to campfires.”  She describes Camp as “Fun, Surprising, and Hard”  Mom clarified that mornings are hard for Abby!  (Don’t worry Abby, mornings are hard for me sometimes, too.)  Ellie is in 5th grade and excited to spend her 4th summer at Camp Interlaken and is most looking forward to “Shabbat!!!!!!”  Her three words to describe Camp are:  “Jewish, Outside, and Enjoyable.”

Andrew has spent the past five summers attending 2nd Session, and he has decided to come to try something new for his K’far Noar summer:  “I’m most excited to meet new friends at 1st session, since I’ve been a 2nd session camper for the past 5 years. It will be awesome to be in K’far with new people who love Camp Interlaken as much as I do.”  When asked, Andrew shared:  “Three words to describe Camp Interlaken?  Fun, Friends, and Finley!”  Nice alliteration, Andrew!

The theme is clear to me:  Camp is FUN.  I mean, I had no doubt, but it is still heartwarming to hear that from campers of different genders, varying ages and different sessions.  I’m definitely biased, but I honestly cannot think of a better way to spend a summer.

So, while it is already October 28th, and there are only 3 more days left of Early Registration, make sure that you’re signed up for Camp so that you don’t miss the Wild, zany, Jewish, outside, enjoyable, FUN, friends and Finley fill 2016 Camp Summer!