Returning Campers

Welcome Home!


We want you to tap into your senses while you’re thinking about your second home:

Close your eyes. What do you smell? The wood burning in a campfire? Fresh chocolate chip or oatmeal cookies baking in the kitchen? The smell of Camp after the “heavy dew” just finished?

Listen really closely. Do you hear the slamming of cabin doors? Do you hear song session in the Chadar Ochel on a Friday night? Do you hear laughter and ruach all day long? Do you hear a loud “four” as someone is about to throw a disc golf disc?

Open your eyes really wide and really see everything around you. Do you see the sun setting over Lake Finley? The glow of the Havdallah candle on Saturday night? The beautiful greenery and serenity of the back road as you walk towards K’far Noar?


As you walk around camp, what do you feel? The quiet of the dirt road beneath your feet? The woodchips on the girls side on your way to ski point? The small, smooth rocks on Lake Finley’s floor?

Sit down at a table in camp; what do you taste? The mixture of melting chocolate and marshmallows in a s’more? A freshly grilled hot dog or hamburger on Wednesday night? Nancy’s chocolate chip challah on Friday nights?

Fill in the blanks and think about what you taste, feel, see, hear and smell when you’re at Camp Interlaken, your second home. While we have beautiful surroundings, amazing facilities, and awesome activities, YOU are the reason that Camp truly is the place that we all know and love.

Whether this is your first summer back or you are a long time camper, we are excited to welcome you back to what will be an amazing summer. We are always available by phone or email to answer any questions or hear any feedback that you may have so that we can partner together with you to provide an even better experience than your last summer at Camp!