Summer 2020 Update
A message from our Director:
Camp Interlaken JCC Family,
At every turn through these uncertain times, from the beginnings of social distancing through the depths of stay-at-home, we’ve had one overriding wish – to be at camp. While we are fortunate to be safe at home with our families, we’ve felt the absence of our other home with our camp family.
Deep as that absence is felt, and with every effort extended to discover any other solution, we have made the hard decision to suspend camp for the summer of 2020. Heartbreaking as it is, we’re confident that it’s the right decision for our families, our staff, and our shared future.
We start every day with one goal in mind – to bring our campers, families, staff, and friends the camp experience they deserve and expect. What has become abundantly clear, in partnership with expert guidance and relying on our own framework for decision making, is that this is not possible for the coming summer. Based on the circumstances we confront in this global pandemic and our deep understanding of the available recommendations for opening a social environment as unique as ours – the camp we know, the camp we love, and the camp we miss every single day is simply not possible.
We want to leave room for you to feel however this moment makes you feel. We’re disappointed, frustrated, and sad. We’re also, in some way, hopeful. Hopeful for our community to stay healthy and safe. Hopeful to continue to witness – and participate in – the best of what happens when this camp family rallies together. Hopeful for the many years of sunrises above Bragonier and sunsets over Finley.
However you feel – we’re here with you, and we are ready to talk it through. We hosted a Town Hall Community Gathering on 5/20/2020. If you missed it, click here to view it.
We will also provide opportunities for your campers to meet and gather as a community with me and with other staff in the upcoming days and weeks. I’d like to invite you to join me virtually for Shabbat on Friday night at 6:00pm CST and Havdalah on Saturday night at 8:00pm CST. Both will be broadcast live on Facebook at
Whenever you’re ready, we’ve prepared a number of links that will better articulate how we came to this decision, what it means for you and for camp, and how we can continue to be together as we prepare for our best summer ever – next year. These links are also available on the left-hand side of the website in the menu.
What Guided and Informed This Decision
Camp Fees and Support
Helping Campers Cope
Virtual Programming
Summer 2020 FAQs
We know that camp is much more than a place – it’s a family. Together we will move through this difficult time and look forward to when we can be together again.
Warmly, Toni Davison Levenberg
Director, Camp Interlaken JCC